Our Commitment to Your Security

We take the responsibility of protecting your data very seriously.

Security & compliance

Flywire undergoes an annual SOC II and PCI DSS review to help ensure that Flywire handles customer data securely and in compliance with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, GDPR, PIPEDA, FERPA, GLBA and other data protection law so you can feel confident in the security of your transactions.

Flywire also maintains robust anti-financial crimes compliance programs as required by our global regulators to ensure our business complies with regulations where we operate.

Flywire Security 2

Some of the measures we take for your unwavering protection

Defense in Depth
On-going vulnerability scanning
Application firewall
Input validation
Annual penetration test
Annual SOC II security audit
Third party attestations
Annual PCI DSS external review


PCI DSS Compliant


Level 1 Certification with third-party attestations.
Soc 2 Type II Certified - AICPA SOC a cpa org/soc4so - SOC for Service Organizations | Service Organizations

SOC 2 Type II

Supporting our information management process.
Nacha Affiliate Program


Affiliate member


Visa Global Registry of Service Providers, On the list! 2022 - For details, see www.visa.com/onthelist: more information
Global Registry of Service Providers
Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry
Privacy of consumer financial information

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