Deja de perder estudiantes por problemas de pago.

La solución de gestión de cobros de Flywire te ayuda a interactuar mejor los estudiantes en riesgo y a rescatar fondos que de otro modo se perderían.

Part of Flywire’s Student Financial Software (SFS) solution, our Collection Management offering is the industry’s only software built to enable you to automate communications and payment plans to collect more past-due tuition faster. Partner with students to reach their academic goals, reduce accounts going to final demand and collection agencies, and minimize write-offs due to bad debt.

Edu payment

Flywire helps increase operational efficiency and improve student retention by enabling you to:

Leverage built-in, automated email and text messages to engage students via the communication channels they prefer
Proactively reach out to students when they’ve fallen behind to get them back on track
Customize payment terms to meet students' unique financial circumstances
Easily collect more payments in-house, minimizing collection agency fees and reducing write-offs
Jumpstart stalled cash flow while saving time and maximizing resources
Utilize robust administrative dashboards to streamline collector workflows and increase visibility via reporting and analytics

Com a confiança de 2000 instituições e 1,6 milhões de estudantes em todo o mundo

  • Flywire has really created a bridge between the university and our international students, it has made our collection processes a lot simpler and just cleaner for students.

    Janine PuleoStudent Accounts Receivable Supervisor, Wayne State University
    Student Accounts Receivable Supervisor, Wayne State University
  • La solución integral de cuentas por cobrar de Flywire nos permite ofrecer a los estudiantes opciones de planes de pago más flexibles. Con el servicio de cobros, ahorramos tiempo gracias a la automatización digital para contactar y ayudar a más estudiantes a diario. Ahora podemos establecer un panel de control con facilidad y configurar planes de pago que se ajusten a circunstancias financieras concretas.

    Ashley CurtisAccount Specialist, University of Tennessee Knoxville
    Account Specialist, University of Tennessee Knoxville
  • Flywire nos permite ofrecer a los estudiantes planes de pago de bajo coste adaptados a situaciones financieras específicas. Al ser una herramienta fácil de usar para organizar disposiciones de pago de saldos vencidos, la herramienta de cobro de pagos pendientes facilita planes de pago que permiten a nuestros estudiantes volver a matricularse y permanecer en la escuela.

    University of Illinois
    University of Illinois
  • Flywire has been so responsive from the very beginning. I have never had a partner be so easy to work with and really, truly want to know what changes would make our lives easier.

    Geri LandwehrUniversity of Northern Colorado
    University of Northern Colorado

    Reduce the number of accounts going to collection agencies.

    See how it is working at University of South Florida.

    Delivering world-class results

    $309M+in past-due debt collected by institutions
    20%fewer accounts sent to collection
    $62M+pre-collection savings and growing
    154,000+students saved from collection

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    Programe una demostración para ver Flywire en acción.
    Hablaremos de....

    • Las necesidades de su escuela
    • La experiencia de sus estudiantes
    • La solución de Flywire

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    La disponibilidad de nuestros productos o servicios y nuestras descripciones de productos o servicios variarán según la ley aplicable y la ubicación geográfica.