Ofrecer opciones de pago flexibles que tengan sentido para los estudiantes y sus familias.

Los Planes de Pago de Flywire ayudan a que la educación sea más atractiva y asequible reduciendo la creciente brecha entre la ayuda financiera disponible y el aumento de los costes de matrícula. Nuestros planes de pago tradicionales y bajo demanda automatizan el proceso de pago y permiten a los estudiantes presupuestar la matrícula, las cuotas y otros gastos con el paso del tiempo.

Part of Flywire’s Student Financial Software (SFS) solution, our payment plans address affordability by helping students not only access and budget for higher education, but also personally select flexible options that encourage timely payments. This, in turn, minimizes the burden on staff to manually administer payment plans (like the ones that claim to be self-service). The end result increases cash flow while driving higher retention rates.

Education campus

Flywire streamlines the payment plan process by enabling you to:

Easily set up, manage, and track traditional and on-demand payment plans
Proactively engage payers via email and text messages to drive plan enrollment and timely payments
Deliver an intuitive, mobile-friendly experience to students and families that promotes self-service and minimizes inquiries
Allow multiple authorized parties to enroll in a payment plan or make payments toward a student’s plan
Provide flexible plan options to all students – domestic and international – within the same experience
Ease operations via self-service account access, plan administration and reporting
  • Flywire gives us the ability to have more payment plan options for students. We’re able to extend the payment plans longer, and we have actually doubled our enrollment in payment plans now that we’ve moved to Flywire.

    Alyse KwapienDirector of Cash Management & Bursar, University of Connecticut
    Director of Cash Management & Bursar, University of Connecticut
  • With Flywire, we can offer more payment plans, provide flexibility and put it into a format that students can easily read and understand. It’s very clear what their financial obligations are.

    Capri Harstonformer Bursar, Tennessee State University
    former Bursar, Tennessee State University
  • Our payment plans increased by 50% right away. The ease of the system has made us more efficient and allows us to work with students and families who need extra help. We can set up customizable payment plans or adjust due dates on the fly, and that really helps our families.

    Sara RosenbergerStudent Accounts & Loan Coordinator, Reed College
    Student Accounts & Loan Coordinator, Reed College

    Payment plans are helping students access higher ed. See how it works at the University of Connecticut.

    Proporcionamos resultados a nivel mundial

    aumento del 50%en inscripción al plan
    706K+planes de pago creados
    24x7acceso a cuenta de autoservicio
    40%de reducción del volumen de llamadas

    Experimente la Diferencia:

    Programe una demostración para ver Flywire en acción.
    Hablaremos de:

    • Las necesidades de su escuela
    • La experiencia de sus estudiantes
    • La solución de Flywire

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