[Report] Understanding the payment experiences of international students in an evolving landscape

Findings from international students focus group research

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Flywire has been conducting research for the past seven years to understand the attitudes and behaviours of international students studying in the UK when making payments to their university - and to identify key shifts compared to previous years.

Our 2023/2024 research showed that students’ overall expectations are increasing in line with technological advancements. Students shared a ‘wish list’ which included:

  • Clarity on payment schedules
  • Digital forms being pre-populated with student information
  • Accessing the above information preferably through their university portal

In addition to this, a key finding was that 20% of those surveyed sought guidance from recruitment agents. This presents numerous opportunities to:

  • Collaborate more closely with the International Office so they have the information they need to pass on to recruitment agents
  • Positively influence recruitment agents and provide them with the right training, resources and information

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