Five Steps to Awesome

Improve Your Cash Position by Perfecting Your Global AR Customer Experience

Many companies consider the customer experience to be something that only happens with sales, marketing, and customer success. But have you stopped to consider that your Accounts Receivable experience is one of the primary touchpoints that your customers will have with your organization?

For many B2B organizations, legacy systems, disparate data and systems, lack of visibility and traceability, and manual processes are the antithesis of delivering on these expectations for their customers - including and especially when it comes to interactions with your finance team. Instead, they create conditions that tend to drive customers away. For organizations with global customers, those experiences can become even more complicated.

Download this report from Quadient and Flywire to understand:

  • Why Review Your Global Accounts Receivable Experience
  • Employee Experience and Customer Experience Go Hand-in-Hand
  • Five Features Your Customers (and Employees) Really Want
  • Identifying Your Perfect Global AR Customer Experience
  • The Three T's to Enabling a Perfect Global AR Customer Experience

Download the report

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