[Video Testimonial] Humber College processes payments across 150+ countries

Real Clients. Real Results.

One thing that really made an impression with me is the way in which our Financial Services department had a significant workload moved off their desks in terms of the automation, the simplicity, and I think most notably the lost payments…we could devote those resources and direct them to something more meaningful in terms of our own operations and our support of students.

Andrew Ness Dean, International Education, Humber College

Flywire offers the right equation:

Flexible Payment Options + Optimized Service = Happier Students

Education Payments

Partnering together since 2018, Humber College has securely processed more than 60,000 payments in 80+ currencies across 150+ countries for a total of more than $260M over the Flywire network.

Payment Plans

With Flywire, Humber now offers payment plans to all students. Now students are able to easily select interest-free payment plans to help make educational expenses more affordable.

The current global economic situations around the world are causing some students stress. The ability for students to get into flexible payment plans is a great win for them, and is a good success story for the college.

Clay MacDougall Deputy Registrar, Humber College

Learn how Flywire will help you transform the payment process to improve student experience.