Mike Massaro
首席执行官Mike Massaro
作为飞汇(纳斯达克代码:FLYW)的首席执行官,Mike Massaro 已将业务从一个概念发展成为领先的支付支持和软件公司。他负责飞汇的区域拓展,同时确保全球团队朝着公司的战略方向前进,包括公司 2021 年 5 月的首次公开募股 (IPO)。
他的背景涵盖全球支付、移动软件和硬件以及电子账单,曾任职于多家高增长科技公司,包括 Carrier IQ 和 edocs, Inc.。他持有巴布森学院管理信息系统理学学士学位。Mike 还荣膺 2019 年安永金融服务年度企业家奖,该奖项旨在表彰重新定义生活、工作和娱乐方式的新锐企业家。

Rob Orgel
President and Chief Operating OfficerRob Orgel
As President and Chief Operating Officer, Rob leads Flywire’s global payment network, business operations, finance, legal, compliance, and corporate strategy functions. Rob brings extensive experience with 20 years in the payments/receivables ecosystem to Flywire, including hands-on experience in legal, compliance, finance, go-to-market, business development and global operations.
Prior to Flywire, he spent close to 10 years at Apple where he was part of the leadership team that developed, launched and grew the Apple Pay business and global expansion as well as the launch of the Apple Card. Before that, Rob was Chief Operating Officer at Quattro Wireless at the time it was acquired by Apple. Before that, Rob played key leadership roles at m-Qube, a first-of-its kind carrier billing and payment platform that was acquired by Verisign, and edocs, a leading e-billing and payment solution acquired by Siebel (subsequently acquired by Oracle).
Rob holds a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in International Relations from Stanford University and a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School.

Cosmin Pitigoi
CFOCosmin Pitigoi
Cosmin Pitigoi has served as our Chief Financial Officer since March 2024. Mr. Pitigoi has over 25 years of experience in finance leadership roles. Prior to Flywire, Mr. Pitigoi was SVP of finance at PayPal, leading a global cross-functional team across FP&A, operational finance and pricing, along with serving on the board of directors at Paidy and the audit committee chair of the PayPal Giving Fund.
Prior to PayPal, Mr. Pitigoi held leadership roles at eBay across investor relations, business unit FP&A and treasury. He began his career in operational and finance roles at E*Trade and Barclays. He holds a B.Comm. from Stellenbosch University in South Africa and an M.B.A. from Santa Clara University.

Peter Butterfield
首席法务官Peter Butterfield
自 2015 年初加入飞汇起,Peter Butterfield 即担任公司的首席法务官。他负责管理公司的合规、监管、风险和法律事务。Peter 曾在 Devonshire Investors(Fidelity Investments 的私募股权部门)及其下属的多家运营公司担任高级管理职位近十五年。在加入飞汇之前,Peter 在东京和新加坡生活并工作了十多年,主要负责管理 KVH Co., Ltd. 的法务、风险与合规部门,并且领导该公司在日本以外的亚太地区的运营。他拥有 Bowdoin College 的本科学位以及哥伦比亚大学的法学学位。

David King
首席技术官David King
David King 是飞汇的首席技术官,负责领导所有的技术平台和团队。作为一名对技术与业务融合充满热情的自定义连续创业者,David 创立了多家公司,其中包括 infiNET Solutions, Inc,该公司系首批为高等教育 SaaS 提供解决方案的服务商之一。在 infiNET Solutions, Inc,他为美国多所重点大学设计并管理了一个自动学费结算和商务系统,并帮助该公司每年处理 160 多亿美元的资金转移。2006 年,在 Nelnet, Inc. (NNI) 收购 infiNET 之后,David 担任了该公司高等教育部门的总裁,并带领公司转型为一家在线医学教育项目和数据安全公司。在加入飞汇之前,David 还与他人共同创立了 OnPlan Holdings(后被飞汇收购),并利用自己在付款、分析和付费结算方面的专业知识,为医疗和教育行业开发创新解决方案。目前,他是 insITe(一家技术业务管理软件公司)和 Wine Country Online(一家旨在推广加州葡萄酒之乡的目的地管理组织)的咨询委员会成员。David 拥有威斯敏斯特学院的数学和物理学学士学位,以及迈阿密大学的物理学硕士学位。

Allison MacLeod
CMOAllison MacLeod
As Chief Marketing Officer, Allison leads Flywire’s global marketing strategy. Her focus is on amplifying the company’s brand, and scaling its performance in marketing, global communications and sales enablement efforts. She has over 15 years of marketing experience, including seven years at Rapid7. There, she focused on building and optimizing the company’s growth by building and scaling demand generation, technology and analytics, and building strong teams. Previously, she worked at Forrester in several digital and field-based roles that included establishing the research firm’s international corporate marketing function in Europe and driving its online localization strategy. Allison holds a Master of Arts in Integrated Marketing from Emerson College, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Barbara Cousins
首席信息官、首席信息安全官和内部审计Barbara Cousins
在此之前,Barbara是Devonshire Investors (Fidelity)的信息安全官,她管理着22家美国和国际公司,是各公司董事会成员、高管及其客户在IT风险和安全问题上值得信赖的顾问。Barbara在处理从突尼斯内乱到2011年3月日本地震/海啸/放射性物质释放等一系列危机方面拥有丰富的实践经验。

Sharon Butler
教育行业执行副总裁Sharon Butler
作为飞汇全球教育行业执行副总裁,Sharon 在销售和客户成功方面拥有 20 多年的丰富经验,目前负责领导全球十个办事处的全球销售和客户管理团队,主要负责飞汇的教育垂直行业。Sharon 一直是教育付款领域的先驱,并致力于在全球范围内宣传学生付款体验和基于教育的付款方式选择的重要性。作为飞汇的第一位员工,她不仅在全球范围内建立并扩大了飞汇的教育销售和客户成功团队,还致力于开拓教育跨境付款业务,帮助飞汇在 240 个国家和地区赢得了 2,000 多家教育行业客户。
Sharon 对教育市场的深刻理解,不仅成功缔造了国际一流的跨境付款方案,而且使飞汇的全面应收账款产品得以扩展,满足了客户的各种付款需求。
在加入飞汇之前,Sharon 曾担任 Tuition Management Systems 的东北地区销售总监,以及 Verizon Business 旗下的领先无线技术提供商 SkyTel 的区域销售总监。莎伦拥有 Bridgewater State University 商务辅修专业的传播学学位。

John Talaga
医疗行业执行副总裁John Talaga
John 与合作伙伴共同创立了 HealthCom Partners,这是一家为医院和医疗系统提供患者费用结算软件和服务的领先供应商。2006 年,HealthCom 被 McKesson (MCK) 收购,成为组建 RelayHealth 的首次并购案。此后,John 在 RelayHealth 负责病人费用结算和付款业务长达 5 年,之后,他负责领导推出了面向医疗垂直行业业务的 doxo。他是 HFMA (First Illinois Chapter)、医疗卫生信息和管理系统协会以及美国医疗行政管理协会的成员。John 拥有戴顿大学的学士学位。

Colin Smyth
SVP & GM, TravelColin Smyth
As SVP & GM, Colin Smyth leads the global Travel vertical, with a focus on solving complex international and domestic payments for our clients across luxury accomodations, tour operators and destination management companies. In his role Colin works with travel clients to simplify their payment processes and make their guests’ payment experience more enjoyable.
Colin brings over 15 years of sales and client success experience and currently oversees a global team located throughout Flywire’s offices worldwide.
Colin was one of the original members of the travel vertical and has led the team through its tremendous growth over the past few years. Prior to Flywire, Colin spent several years in the sales and digital media space. He began his career in capital markets and financial services with roles at both Lehman Brothers and Barclays. Colin holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Boston College.

Ryan Frere
EVP & GM, B2BRyan Frere
作为EVP&GM,Ryan Frere 带领着飞汇的B2B团队,为遍布全球的客户提供一站式国际支付解决方案。在加入B2B团队之前,Ryan曾带领飞汇的国际付款团队,建立并拓展了飞汇在全球的银行支付网络。

Uday Seth
业务运营与企业发展高级副总裁Uday Seth
作为业务运营与企业发展高级副总裁,Uday Seth 负责飞汇的并购、融资、分析和业务运营职能。Uday 及其团队领导了飞汇部分最大型、最成功的项目,包括飞汇的首次公开募股、对 Studylink、CohortGo、WPM、Simplee 和 OnPlan 的收购,以及从淡马锡、高盛、老虎管理公司等公司融资。此外,Uday 还负责领导飞汇的整体战略以及整个组织的战略规划计划。
在加入飞汇之前,Uday 曾在 PayPal 和 Klarna 等其他高增长金融科技公司担任过各种职务。他还曾在美国银行美林证券和总部位于纽约的私募股权公司 JLL Partners 任职。Uday 拥有达特茅斯学院学士学位和宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院工商管理硕士学位。

Mohit Kansal
全球支付和付款人服务高级副总裁Mohit Kansal

Eric Spear
工程高级副总裁Eric Spear
作为工程高级副总裁,Eric Spear 负责监督 Flywire 产品开发和工程运营的各个方面。Eric 在工程领导岗位上拥有 20 多年的经验,曾帮助全球四个办事处扩展了一支由 200 多人组成的全球工程团队,负责开发、项目管理、站点可靠性、质量保证、产品和用户界面以及用户体验。
在担任现任职务之前,Eric 曾担任过多个关键领导职位,包括工程副总裁和产品管理总监。Eric 是可扩展云技术和容器化方面的专家。他可以在技术战略和业务战略之间自如切换,提供备受追捧的在两者之间进行翻译的技能,以确保团队协调一致,客户取得成功。他激励和指导工程人才的能力在 Flywire 吸引和培养顶尖人才方面发挥了重要作用。
Eric 拥有克拉克大学的计算机科学学士学位。除了专业工作外,埃里克还积极参与各种慈善计划,尤其是那些专注于促进 STEM 教育和促进科技领域多元化和包容性的慈善计划。他热衷于为下一代技术人员赋能并回馈社区。