Higher education finance playbook: 4 strategies that move the needle on affordability

Despite news of declining enrollment rates, 83% of people between the ages of 12-26 surveyed by Gallup think that higher education is important.

The question is less of value than overall affordability. According to Flywire-commissioned research, 80% of U.S. students said they need help affording their education expenses and more than 2/3 feel global economic events have caused them to reconsider their education plans.

In this report, we look at four strategies that can help higher ed institutions start to help move the needle on higher education affordability, including advice and case studies from student financial services professionals on:

  1. Understanding cost-to-degree
  2. Digitizing the 529 disbursement process
  3. Offering payment plans to all students
  4. Collecting past-due tuition to increase retention

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